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underwater topographic survey中文是什么意思

用"underwater topographic survey"造句"underwater topographic survey"怎么读"underwater topographic survey" in a sentence


  • 水下地形测量


  • Developing the use of dgps in underwater topographic survey
  • Gps underwater topographic survey without tide gauge
  • Underwater topographic survey with gps under no - tidal mode
  • Realizing automation of underwater topographic survey with rtd digital sounding winsurf software
  • The application of gps real time kinematic to the underwater topographic survey of guxian reservoir
  • Underwater topographic survey with tide - free mode made with the digital deep sounding apparatus and the gpsrtk
  • The underwater topographic survey in lake dianchi employed the dual - frequency gps with rtk technology , which type is american trimble 4700 , for horizontal positioning f and the type of the fathometer is wuxi haiying sdh - 13d ; the navigation software : the south 5 . 0
    对滇池水下地形测量外业数据的采集,平面定位采用美国trimble4700双频gps接收机;水深测量采用的测深仪为无锡海鹰sdh ? 13d ;导航软件为南方公司的导航5 . 0版。
  • And with its result , 1 : 2000 digital maps of the surroundings in lake dianchi are minified to 450 square kilometers 1 . 10000 digital maps . this paper will deal with the theoretical principle of the applied programs the methods of the underwater topography surveying and the principle of the data processing program and digital mapping program , analyze the rationality and operability and automatic extent of the outside and inside working methods and the data processing program . according to the working experiences , this paper generalizes a low cost , practical and automatic method of underwater topographic survey hi inland lake and river basin
    昆明理工大学硕士研究生论文论文摘要( abs切act )本文就项目所涉及的理论基础、技术方法、作业手段、数据处理、内业成图等方面的内容进行系统地阐述;并介绍了项目实施中所采用的一些特色技术、特殊方法,以期为类似项目在应用方面提供有价值的、合理的、操作性强的、自动化程度高的、能降低成本的、提高经济效益的实用技术、方法和经验。
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